Social Media Global Policy

This Social Media Policy (“Policy”) is effective from September 30, 2022 (“Effective Date”) and applies to JK Technosoft Limited, its subsidiaries over which the JK Technosoft Limited exercises management control (“We”, “Us”, “Our”, “Company”). The Policy applies to all Employees engaged to provide services to the Company including senior managers, directors, employees, consultants, contractors, trainees, remote workers, part-time and fixed-term employees, casual and agency staff and volunteers (“Employee”/ “You”).


  • This Policy has been created to help Employees to adhere to legal and ethical obligations while using social media platforms. Adherence to this policy is essential for the long-term development of the Company. While digital interaction brings huge benefits, it also comes with certain risks and responsibilities.
  • Social media can be defined as any web or mobile-based platform that enables an individual or agency to communicate interactively and enables the exchange of user-generated content. Social media includes social networking, blogs, microblogs, vlogs, video sharing, wikis, etc.
  • Most social media sites work on the principle of ‘broadcast by default’, which means it is not always possible to control who may, or may not, see the content. Even where such sites allow users to set up privacy settings and block unwanted contacts, the content published may be broadcast beyond a controlled audience.
  • Our Company run with the motto of serving the customer and earning their trust. All of our communications and other interactions with our customers and the outside world should increase their trust in Us. This policy outline how Our values should be demonstrated on social media platforms. This Policy will act as a guide to the Employee while using social media for personal purposes as well as when acting on behalf of the Company.
  • Employees are advised to use social media platforms in the same way and caution we do in the physical world. Always use sound judgment and common sense, by adhering to Company’s values, and by following the Code of Business Conduct and all other applicable policies.
  • The Company adheres to its core values while using social media and expects all the Company representatives to follow the same.


  • The Company respects the rights of its Employees to use blogs and other social media tools not only for personal use but also as a means to the growth of the Company. All Employees must be aware of the implications of engaging in the form of social media and the online conversations that reference the Company and its brands, and the Employee recognizes when the Company might be held responsible for their behaviour. This Policy supplements the following policies to be followed by the employees: Code of Conduct Policy.
  • The Employee may choose to have social media accounts and interactions that are entirely personal. Such interactions shall not include any connection or mention of the Company or its brands.
  • The Company does not want to prevent or restrict your use of social media in your own time and for your own purpose. Whenever you are on a duty, you are not allowed to use your personal social media accounts. If you are suspected of using social media for personal use during work time, just as carrying out other personal activities at work time, the appropriate actions will be taken against you.
  • The Company never hides its identity online and all the stakeholders are expected to do so. Thus, creating fake or false online accounts is strictly prohibited. Whenever You are representing the Company make sure that You disclose the fact that You are representing the Company and follow all applicable internal protocols.
  • You are welcome to declare your role at company in your personal account user biography, but always ensure that such accounts are not used for any corporate matters and shall only use as your personal account. Whenever you post something online with an identity connected with company, use a disclaimer such as “The view expressed on this site are my own and not those of company”.
  • Anything you post on social media will, have an impact on the company’s public image and you shall be liable for the same. The employees are responsible for their words and actions. Thus, you are advised to handle social media properly, exercising sound judgement and common sense and are always required to read and comply with the terms and conditions of concerned social media website.
  • Do not engage in conduct online that would not be acceptable in your workplace or that is unlawful. You are always required to follow professional ethics including not indulge in using any derogatory remarks, bully, intimidate, harass other users, use insults, or post content that hateful, slanderous, threatening, discriminating or pornographic.
  • Any employee who feels that they have been harassed or bullied or are offered by material posted or uploaded by colleague onto social media website should inform HR spoke of your office. The HR spoke of your office shall take reasonable actions and steps within a reasonable time and shall report to the higher management of company.
  • The company respects individuals’ opinions and you should take respect others and their right to think differently from you. Topics involving politics, religion and sexually can be extremely sensitive and you should consider refraining for addressing topics that may be deemed personally objectionable or even offensive. You should not make remarks. Jokes, or display material that may offend a member of a particular race, religion, or gender.
  • Employee are required to be polite discrete and respectful to all and do not make any individual comment for or against any individuals or agencies. Also, professional discussions should not be politicized.
  • Company supports the rights of your rights and freedom of expression. But you must be cautious that your online activities are watched by both the internal and external stakeholders of company.
  • Employees should refrain from publishing images taken within the workplace premises or during office parties or gatherings on social media in order to avoid any wrongful portrayal or information exposure.


  • The employee shall not without the company’s prior written consent discuss with media including any national or local newspaper, magazine, radio and or television station any matter related to the company.
  • If you are member of the press or online media contacts you about online content concerning company and if you are not authorised to respond to the same, please refer them to the marketing team.


  • Since you work for the Company If you come across any positive or negative remarks about the Company or its brands online you believe are important, consider sharing them by forwarding them to
  • You may come across negative or disparaging information about the Company online, do not respond to such allegations unless you are authorized person at


  • You are always expected to keep the confidential information of Company, groups, clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders strictly confidential. This is a contractual and legal requirement. Always take necessary precautions while dealing with any confidential information of the Company and never post or disclose anything online or otherwise.
  • The confidentiality obligations include the information about internal stakeholders of the Company including Your colleagues, managers and other personnel working for the Company.


  • Never use some else’s work, including copyright, trademarks, publicity rights, without prior permission and proper credits.
  • You are expected to respect the IP rights in online social media, including with regard to user-generated content. In case you need any clarification in this regard, you can contact Legal Head. Concerning Company’s IP rights, you are required to adhere to the Company brand policy and in case of any doubt, contact Legal Head of the Company.


  • Where applicable law permits, be aware that Company reserves the right to monitor the use of social platforms and take appropriate action to protect against misuse that may be harmful to the Company’s reputation.
  • We reserve the right to restrict or prevent access to certain social media websites if we consider personal use to be excessive. Monitoring is only carried out to the extent permitted or as required by law and as necessary and justifiable for business purposes.
  • Misuse of social media websites can, in certain circumstances, constitute a criminal offence or otherwise give rise to legal liability against you and us. It may also cause embarrassment to us and our clients.
  • Where evidence of misuse is found, we may undertake a more detailed investigation in accordance with our internal policy, involving examination and disclosure of monitoring records to those nominated to undertake the investigation and any witnesses or managers involved in the investigation. If necessary, such information and reports may be handed over to the police in connection with a criminal investigation.
  • Any breach of this Policy will be sanctioned in accordance with applicable HR policy and necessary actions will be taken in accordance with the applicable laws including the termination of employment with immediate effect.


  • By reading this policy you acknowledge that you have reviewed the above listed policies and guidelines of the company and understand your responsibilities.
  • You agree to report any actual or potential situation or incident that may be contrary to the above policies as soon as you become aware of it.
  • You agree to abide by the aforementioned policies, and you understand that my failure to follow the policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
  • We solicit your appreciation towards creating a positive and long-lasting employer-employee relation on digital mediums.
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