An average hospital in the US has approximately 80 IT systems inside. Additionally, many systems include multiple hospitals in the same chain, and it is necessary to link all those systems together. The amount of data outside of hospitals is far greater than within, such as pharmacies, payers, laboratories, and mobile devices. Not only is data everywhere, but there is also a lot more data available now. FHIR Interoperability essentially refers to the capacity to view all the data from many systems in one location and in real-time. As health data interoperability becomes a significant issue, healthcare providers should focus more on the data standards that will enable smooth, on-demand information transmission.

No matter how the information is kept in the various computer systems, the FHIR standard describes how it may be communicated. It makes it possible for individuals with a need for access to healthcare information—including clinical and administrative data—and those with the legal right to do so to the advantage of a patient receiving care in a secure manner. FHIR, the next-generation exchange platform is being used by the Healthcare and Life Sciences industry to enhance interoperability. It is a language that enables the interchange and comprehension of health data across apps and businesses.

FHIR has advantages for both patients and providers. It can greatly improve the similarity between healthcare and other internet-based experiences that people enjoy in other sectors. From a clinical standpoint, it may also help make all those monitoring and wearable technology equipment valuable.

JK Tech’s Hyperautomation-powered solution to comply with Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), provides a standard for the future of healthcare.

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